School History

Adarsh Vanita Vidhyalaya started functioning from 1934. It was earlier known as “Escola Modelo de Educação Feminina”. The school was founded by late Shri Narcinva Damodar Naik. The mission of the school was to cater to girls’ education in Goa. The medium of instruction then was Marathi upt to vernacular final, English up to Matriculation exams of the Bombay University and three classes of Portuguese which were compulsory.


The first Headmistress of the Marathi school was Miss Gracebai Makassery, very strict but a very good teacher and a loveable person. She came from the neighbourhood of Mumbai (earlier Bombay) around 1933 and remained with this institution till her death in her 80’s. She was a recipient of National award at the hands of ex-Presidnt Mr. Zakir Hussain in 1967.


In 1940, Montessori model of education was introduced in Adarsh V. V. high School for small children. Late Shri N.D. Naik felt that the beginning of education should be in the language which is spoken by the family at home which was Konkani.

The school hosted several eminent personalities which included Gen. Vassalo e Silva, Mr. Dayanand Bandodkar, Shri Kakasaheb Kalekar, Gen. Suneet Rodrigues, etc.


Adarsh V.V. High School has several “firsts” to its credit :
(i) Konkani was recognized and introduced in institutions in 1940 and a specially trained teacher by the name Ms. Indubai Samant was appointed to teach the subject.

(ii) The school had a residency for girls of Goan Hindu and Catholic communities and the girls were trained to purchase household articles meant for the residency every Saturday.

(iii) Lezim, which gives exercise, imparts rhythm and co-ordination was introduced to children for the first time in Goa in 1930’s.

(iv) Gardening as a subject was introduced with all necessary equipment provided. Not only flowering plants but vegetables were also grown.

(v) Music was introduced in the school with a special teacher for the subject. All musical instruments like Harmonium, table, Sitar as well as violin and piano were provided by the school. (v) At a time when digital cameras had not come into existence, Adarsh had introduced Photography as an optional with proper equipment like cameras, films and dark room for development of films.

(vi) Adarsh was among the first school in Goa to introduce Computer education in Schools in 1983.